Jan 30, 2010

John Leahy????

I want to believe it is actually him.
link here

Salter on Break.com

My professor Michael A. Salter had one of his styrofoam robots featured on break gallery. I thought it was great because the caption for the picture reads "Sweet Styrofoam Robot" and the picture they have of it is really bad.

link here

Jan 29, 2010

Paul Shirley......

I find this article interesting and slightly revolting. It raises interesting questions about human nature. The fad of helping those less fortunate as a publicity stunt.

I don't know completely what to say yet, but you should read the article and the mixed response to it. I think the most fucked up thing is that the article is written by someone who spent their life getting paid to play with a ball.

Article here, link

Stuff just writes itself....

Jan 26, 2010


I found the stop motion I did with Pan ZhiFei at Shandong University of Art and Design. We had only 4 days to think and produce a collaborative project.

ZhiFei and I decided to create a short stop motion about the difficulties we had communicating with each other, but how we constantly tried to understand. We would constantly be asking how to say this in Mandarin/English, using online translators, drawing pictures or acting it out. Looking back on it I think ZhiFei and I acted out the whole animation as we did it. Fun times!!!


Jan 15, 2010


DIY computer case......out of cardboard..? Yes Recompute, a sustainable desktop computer design by Brenden Macaluso and produced by Montoroso (supposedly). I say supposedly because http://www.montoroso.com/ doesn't have any info what so ever, but that doesn't matter! All I really care about is the idea of the custom computer case built out of cardboard.

Genius? Maybe, some skeptics (including myself) wondered about overheating and performance issues. I mean, I wouldn't exactly outfit my main tower like this. Especially because of the load I put on my computer. Though if you are looking for a computer that you would use for word processing, internet, and email it probably would fair nicely. I would imagine that a lot more heat would transfer in and out, especially compared to acrylic cases. Problem really is cardboard tends to trap heat and the position of the fan seems strange to me. My first thought would be to put the fan so that it utilized the corrugation for air flow and not just positioning it in the all to normal spot.

Looking under the cardboard hood we find out that it is a fairly bare computer. Motherboard, power supply, and hard drive are all that are in this pc. They don't have all the specs out yet, but check it out for yourself (link)

Great idea I would say over all. They are definitely helping solve the very large issue of computer disposal and I will be trying to make myself a cardboard case for my old dell.

Link to Recompute here

PDX Street Design

My design for the collaboration screen printing project Dull Pen. I started out illustrating nearly all of Portland's streets (Only have finished the west side completely). I wasn't really in love with the complete map so decided to do a section with the intent later producing a shirt for each area.

This design looked really good on the computer, but since these prints above I printed it on a larger sheet of paper and on to a t-shirt. Still not enjoying what I am turning out. So, not to completely abandon it just yet I am going to take some drawing fluid and splatter/pour it on to the screen using the vinyl as a resist. I'm crossing my fingers that it turns out something good. I do enjoy the sort of random uncontrollable aspect of the application of the drawing fluid. The rest of my group Nawal, Daniel & Chris have turned out images that look really nice and have what I would call human touch in them. Mine, as of now is lacking that. There are some other ideas that could change that for me, but for now we shall try the former.

Jan 9, 2010

Television Crack

LOST is so close you can almost smell it. Stumbled across these photos/advertisement/hype. I thought they were very clever, people who are not addicted to the show might not.

I don't even think they need advertisements for the show. Most people are addicted to it and will watch it even if they hate it, especially since it is the last season.

Full set Here


I'm sorry, I haven't posted anything in a while. Winter Break hit and things fell to the wayside, but this new year I want to keep a better blog. I will try to post more (at least three times a week if not more) and will try and post my own work more frequently then just the inspiration I find.

Also, this term my BFA group will be visiting several design studios/companies and I will be posting a short summary for each studio. The companies are all based in Portland Oregon and range from companies like Second Story, Adidas and Wieden+Kennedy (maybe W+K, still tentative).

This is all mostly a promise to myself, since this is one of the best ways to document my progress through my work.

Thanks for listening
